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Introducing the InBody 230 – Body Composition Analyzer at Body in Balance!

The BEST way to measure RESULTS!

Body in Balance has gone hi-tech! We are now offering Body Composition Analysis via the InBody 230. Check out THIS LINK to learn what this new machine does and how you can see what YOU are “made of”!

Come in TODAY!

Schedule your appointment to start achieving your weight loss goals now! BOOK Your Single Session InBody Scan HERE!

InBody230 Body Composition Analyzer

What does it measure?

– How many calories you burn at rest
– Body Fat Percentage
– Pounds of Lean Muscle
– Pounds of Body Fat
– Suggested Fat Loss
– Suggested Muscle Gain
– Body Mass Index
– Segmental Lean Muscle Distribution

InBody230 Results

After your analysis, you will get a print-out of your results, allowing you to track your progress and make REAL changes!

We recommend getting a reading every 2-4 weeks!

Book Your Single InBody Scan!

What YOU Are Made Of?

InBody230 Body CompositionThis section is a basic breakdown of everything in the body. Water, Dry Lean Mass and Body Fat Mass. Looking at this section alone, we can determine that this individual has less muscle mass than body fat and therefore their water content is lower than someone carrying the proper amount of muscle. The body fat is elevated leading to a state of imbalance in the body. We would encourage this individual to seek the help of a certified and competent trainer to help them develop the proper musculature to help correct this imbalance. As far as nutrition goes, we would focus on eating the proper amount of protein to not only maintain the Dry Lean Mass this person already has but enough to support a gain in the lean mass as well.

Are you at risk for becoming obese?

This section focuses on two ways to measure obesity. The first method and still most widely accepted is Body Mass Index or BMI. BMI is actually a calculation rather than a measurement using height and weight to calculate. BMI was first used starting in the 1800s but became the most commonly accepted method in 1972. This method has its flaws when dealing with individuals who carry more muscle mass or have dense bone structures. Still it is included here to as a tool.

The InBody230 uses 2 electrical frequencies to evaluate individual fat mass and lean mass. Once the fat mass in calculated as a percentage of total body weight we are able to determine where that number falls as far as normal is considered.

The above example gives a pretty good argument for using the InBody230 instead of just the BMI as this person is in the normal range using the outdated BMI method but is considered Obese when looking at the percent of body fat. BMI would miss potential health issues associated with high body fat while the InBody230 would show the need for a change in overall body mass.

BMR – How many calories do you burn?

This section is a basic breakdown of everything in the body. Water, Dry Lean Mass and Body Fat Mass. Looking at this section alone, we can determine that this individual has less muscle mass than body fat and therefore their water content is lower than someone carrying the proper amount of muscle. The body fat is elevated leading to a state of imbalance in the body. We would encourage this individual to seek the help of a certified and competent trainer to help them develop the proper musculature to help correct this imbalance. As far as nutrition goes, we would focus on eating the proper amount of protein to not only maintain the Dry Lean Mass this person already has but enough to support a gain in the lean mass as well.

Your Results Compared to Normal

This portion of the worksheet gives a more in depth look at this person in relation to what is considered normal for his or her age, sex and height. This person most likely does not look over weight and most likely under eats on a regular basis. Again, the muscle mass of this person is low and an increase in lean mass would be suggested.

The Fat Mass, while in the normal range is out of proportion to the Skeletal Muscle Mass. From this portion of the worksheet we would estimate this person should add 10 to 15 pounds of muscle to their frame. The increased muscle mass would lead to fat loss and the end result would be a healthier person overall.

Where is our Muscle distributed?

Here we see a segmented view of the body. This gives us understanding as to how the body’s muscle mass is distributed. Balance in the body is key to our health and vitality. Knowing if there are areas of imbalance aids in helping individuals with their diet and fitness goals.

Here we see that this individual for the most part carries muscle equally in their extremities but lacks mass in the torso. We know that core strength is important in maintaining posture and balance. This individual should engage in some core and torso strength training to improve musculature.

What Suggestion is made with this data?

Here the InBody230 gives suggestions to aid in helping this individual know what course of action is required to help them achieve optimal health. Here we see the suggestion of losing 5.5 LBS of fat and gaining 15.4 of Lean Body Mass. Again, we are looking for balance in the body to help reach optimal health.

Get the Most Accurate Report:

-Do the analysis on an empty stomach, or at least 3 hours after eating

-Do not do it after you exercise or have increased activity.

-Do not do it shortly after a shower or consuming liquids.

-Do not wear any jewelry.

-Do not do report if you have a pacemaker or internal electronic device.