Summit For Someone
Big City Mountaineers transforms the lives of under-served youth through wilderness mentoring expeditions that instill critical life skills. We partner with community-based youth organizations and caring adult volunteers who act as mentors in the field to help young people realize their potential. Our curriculum improves self-esteem, responsibility, decision-making abilities and communication skills in close to 1,000 youth annually. BCM has a proven track record of improving young peoples’ lives with:
- Increased likeliness to stay in school
- Reduction in violence
- Reduction in drug use
In addition to adult mentors who donate a week of their lives to improve the future of the youth we serve, we also rely on the support of our Summit for Someone climbers. Without the dozens of courageous volunteers who sign up for Summit For Someone each year, BCM would cease to exist. Our SFS climbers take on two formidable commitments: mentally and physically preparing to climb one of North America’s most challenging peaks, and raising thousands of dollars. All to help improve the lives of kids they might never meet.
The team at Big City Mountaineers would like to thank all our colleagues in this endeavor: our volunteers, climbers and donors. Together we will continue impacting lives and delivering transformative wilderness mentoring experiences. Big City Mountaineers operates under special use permits from the USDA Forest Service and National Park Service, Big City Mountaineers is an equal opportunity service provider and employer.
The core Big City Mountaineers program is a week-long wilderness mentoring expedition where youth are given the opportunity to experience the beauty and challenges of the wilderness alongside supportive adult mentors. What had begun as a simple backpacking trip with at-risk teen 25 years ago has now evolved into a documented and well-tested progression of experiences coupled with opportunities for reflection and learning.
BCM Weeklong Expeditions:
- Provide wilderness mentoring opportunities to under-resourced youth ages 13 to 18.
- Cultivate relationships between youth and caring adult mentors.
- Offer a unique 1-to-1 ratio of adults to youth.
- Improve teen self-awareness and personal responsibility.
- Promote group development and effective communication.
- Partner with existing youth development agencies to better address the ongoing needs of under-resourced youth.
- Deliver safe wilderness expeditions led by professional field instructors.
- 50% are from single parent or guardian-led households;
- 83% are from families living below the poverty line;
- 10% have experienced homelessness
- 14% have experienced violence at school