Annual Fitness Challenge Winner
Our 2020 Annual Fitness Challenge has come to an end. It has been three plus months of mindful intentions to live a healthier lifestyle is an automatic win for everyone in my book! It's safe to say...
Our 2020 Annual Fitness Challenge has come to an end. It has been three plus months of mindful intentions to live a healthier lifestyle is an automatic win for everyone in my book! It's safe to say...
BBQ does NOT stand for Big Belly Quiver, so that shouldn't be the outcome of this great island tradition! While beach barbecuing is practically a way-of-life here, did you know that the average barbecue meal exceeds 1500 calories?...
Need a little motivation? Join our Annual Fitness Challenge, sponsored by Azman Chiropractic and Body in Balance! $50 buy-in. WINNER TAKES ALL! Weigh-in, February 24 - 28. Weigh-out, April 20 - 24....
Ever wonder just how effective your workout routine really is? Maybe you saw great results when you first started to exercise, but now those results have come to a screeching halt. Want to know why?...
Skinny Fat--it’s a term that’s been around for a while, but how can someone be both skinny and fat? I am surprised as more and more people come into my studio with just this problem. On the surface (and on the scale) they are completely “normal.” Their ...
Just Add Water -- Looking for a way to beat the heat and still get an amazing workout? Check out this crazy-fun water routine led by Amanda Furgiuele! See you in the pool!...
Trying to make a change towards a healthier lifestyle? Before you join another gym, read another self-help book, or buy another pound of kale, think about getting a workout buddy! Studies show that when people commit to working out together...
Are you bored with your workout? Injured? Have you hit a plateau? Are you part of the 80% of Americans whose New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and get healthier fell flat by February? The solution might be the same for all of these common fitness foes...
Watching Mad Men, we all want Don Draper to be a good guy but let's face it, he is a womanizer. Is it possible to be a good guy and a womanizer? Many of us consider several philandering presidents to be good guys. Here is where the lines get crossed...