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142 Kupuohi St, Suite F2, Lahaina, HI 96761



Aerial Lyra

Aerial Lyra (Adults & Kids)

Aerial Lyra or Hoop classes are anything but ordinary! Try something new while gaining strength, flexibility, and balance! Work on mind‐body connections in a fun, friendly environment! This class is open to new students young and old who want to learn the basic skills and returning students who want to reinforce and build on those skills. This class is all-levels and no experience is necessary. ...

Aerial Silks (Adults & Kids)

Aerial Silks (Adults & Kids)

Elevate your fitness! Learn the art of Aerial silks. Part acrobatics, part gymnastics, part Pilates, all an amazing workout. You’ll learn basic skills such as foot lock and climbs, and progress to complicated wraps, poses, and, if you’re ready, aerial drops. ...

Aerial Hammock

Aerial Hammock

Take your yoga practice to new heights! Aerial yoga uses the silk swing to support the weight of the body so you can attain optimal alignment in yoga asana. Decompress the spine while strengthening the core muscles, access deeper backbends, and sustain challenging inversions. ...

Aerial Yoga Play

Aerial Yoga Swing

Let your yoga take flight and swing your way into feeling fit and having fun. Aerial yoga play allows a combination of benefits similar to aerial yoga, Pilates, suspended resistance training, acrobatics and dance all rolled into one for an amazing suspended fitness experience. ...

Pole Fit

Pole Fit

Conditioning and stretching may not be the most glamorous aspect of pole dancing, but it’s always more fun with friends! Together we will warm up on the mat with stretching + incorporate some sexy floorwerk before making our way to the poles. Progressive circuit-style exercises will help strengthen our muscles. We’ll finish with a short, beginner-friendly dance combo to get the heart pumping and optional freestyle pole-play at the end of class. ...
