Rev Up Your Routine
Ever wonder just how effective your workout routine really is? Maybe you saw great results when you first started to exercise, but now those results have come to a screeching halt.
Want to know why?
If the following 5 statements accurately describe your current exercise routine, then no worries–you’re doing it right! However, if the following 5 statements do NOT describe your exercise routine then listen up! There’s no better time than now to rev up your routine.
1. You Make the Most of Each Move: Gone are the days when workouts lasted more than an hour and you had time to single out each muscle individually (and thank goodness!). Time is of the essence, and compound movements deliver excellent results in less time than ever before.
Not sure if your routine includes compound movements? Any exercise that uses two or more joints is considered to be a compound movement. Squats and lunges are great examples. If you want to pack even more benefit into each move then try adding a shoulder press with your squats and bicep curls with your lunges.
2. You Keep it Intense: Let’s be honest, sometimes your heart just isn’t into your workout…in more ways than one! Your body craves a challenge, and you see the most results when you keep your intensity moderate to high. Keep your workouts concise and push yourself with each exercise.
3. You’re Consistent: Anyone can have one great workout, but one workout won’t translate into six-pack abs or a smaller dress size–only consistency will do that for you. Exercise must be a part of your daily routine, plain and simple.
One of the best ways to stay consistent with your routine is to do your workout at the same time everyday. We are creatures of habit, so once your exercise schedule has been firmly set you’ll find the process to be automatic, rather than an occasional afterthought.
4. You Seek a Challenge: Just like clothing, exercise routines quickly become outdated. That’s why the best routines are dynamic, and the worst routines never change. How do you know when your routine needs to be updated?
You’ll know how effective your routine is by the results, or lack there of, that you experience. If you feel that you are simply going through the motions then stop wondering about the effectiveness of your routine and start doing something new.
5. You’re Having a Blast: Do you dread the very thought of going for a jog, but force yourself to do it simply because you’ve no other ideas for exercise? Stop right there. Exercise is an enjoyable activity, especially when you find the form that is best suited for your personal preferences.
If you don’t like exercise then there’s a good chance that it’s time to spice things up. Try a new sculpting class, a challenging Pilates workout, an alternate walking route–whatever you need to get moving again!
If your routine includes all of the above then congratulations – you are doing it right. You’re consistent, you challenge yourself, and you’re seeing results. However, if your routine doesn’t include the above, you now have the blueprints to do it right.
Want a routine that incorporates everything you need to reach your fitness goals? Call us today to set up a consultation and we’ll show you how to get amazing results in less time than you think. Really.